Last year's MLK Workshop

Last year’s “The Ain’t Too Late Show” workshop

Plan to attend the engaging, entertaining and educational workshops which will be presented by our community partners during Peace Learning Center’s 17th Annual MLK Community Festival on Saturday, Jan. 17 from 11-3 pm at CTS!


#1 Identifying Assets and Creating Change
Presented by Public Allies Indianapolis (Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center)
This workshop will focus on the impact the community can have while facing adversity and critical changes that occur over time. Adults and youth would both be engaged in the dialogue. This includes seeking input on how they are contributing to creating and sustaining inclusive communities. The dialogue on empowering families through pipelines to success (highlighting the universal attribute of leadership ability) will be to inject an optimistic, encouraging tone to the conversation. It is important that there is a focus on how families can be successful, despite the inundation of negative influences.

#2 Kids on the Block Puppet Troupe: Multiculturalism
Presented by Joseph Maley Foundation
The JMF Kids on the Block Puppet Troupe (KOB) tours central Indiana elementary schools, youth organizations, hospitals, and special events while utilizing the performance of puppetry to impart lessons of acceptance. Puppeteers are eighth-grade students who train with JMF staff and work with child-size puppets to present skits and facilitate question and answer sessions with audience members. The multiculturalism skits address topics and generate questions on identifying one’s own culture, stereotyping, and feeling torn between two cultures.

#3 Fair Trade 101
Presented by Global Gifts
This fair trade workshop will take attendees through how fair trade works, why it is important and will include compelling examples of the impact fair trade has on lives and communities in the developing world.

#4 Learning from Refugees
Presented by Exodus Refugee
A young refugee speaker will share his personal and inspiring journey to the US. There will be an opportunity to learn more about the refugee community in Indianapolis as well as time for Q&A.

#5 Redefining Community Service
Presented by Pro(ACT) Community Partnerships, Inc.
Community Service means different things to different people; however, for some, community service carries a negative connotation. This interactive workshop will explore how differently we all see community engagement and how we can become more engaged with each other to have more of a universal definition of service. This workshop will be fun, engaging, and open for all ages!

#6 The Ain’t Too Late Show
Presented by Earth Charter Indiana
The world’s first game show about our profoud ecological challenges starting right here in Indianapolis. The show features an opening monologue by Jim Poyser highlighting the month’s positive environment-related news, followed by a quiz show format where contestants compete. Have fun and learn a bit about our world!

#7 Justice, Compassion, and Everyday Choices
Presented by HEART (Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers)Indy
This workshop will ask participants to consider Martin Luther King’s words: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” We will explore how everyday choices, cast our votes, so to speak, on our modern day issues of justice. We will also consider a historical framework where more entities are included in our society’s “Circle of Compassion” and participants will be allowed to circulate through several stations to consider whether or not our choices promote kindness, compassion, and justice.

#8 Restoring the Family Unit
Presented by Ladies Under Construction Inc.
The workshop will consist of a roundtable discussion on the issues that families are faced with today that’s hindering them from breaking the cycle of dysfunction. The facilitators will be able to offer solutions and advice, along with giving the audience an opportunity to witness a few role playing scenarios so they would be able to better understand how symptoms of depression, criticism, lack of self-worth and family values and morals have on children.