Our newest addition to Peace Learning Center is “be the change” which includes 30 permanent, interactive exhibits designed to build empathy and compassion by showing people how small changes they make in their daily lives can make a big difference for our planet and in our world. The exhibits are free (with admission to Eagle Creek Park) and open to the public every M-F from 9 am – 4 pm.Resource-Guides

“be the change” was created in collaboration with our partners at HEART which has a mission to foster compassion and respect for all living beings and the environment by educating youth and teachers in Humane Education. HEART recently created a great resource guide that contains lessons for students in grades K – 12 (each lesson is aligned to the Common Core Standards) and activities that can be conducted both in school settings as well as more nontraditional out-of-school venues like community centers, libraries or camps.

It’s no secret that kids love animals. Click here to view the resource guide and start engaging their hearts and minds with these age appropriate lessons and activities that cover issues like companion animal homelessness, puppy mills, factory farming, habitat destruction, endangered species and so much more.

Then, click here to learn more about “be the change” including how you can donate to our campaign to help create a more humane world!