“Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

Gratitude if the active process of acknowledging goodness and recognizing its source, according to Dr. Robert Emmons, a psychologist who specializes in researching gratitude and happiness. His research has shown that a person’s level of gratitude is directly related to their level of happiness.

At Peace Learning Center, we believe happy people are peaceful people. That’s why we’re dedicating this issue of PLC News to gratitude. (Plus, it’s a theme that works well for this time of year!) We hope you will join us in showing your gratitude for the many people and things in your life that bring you joy. To see a few simple new ways you and your family can give thanks together click on the link below:

Gratitude in Action – 30 Ways to Give Thanks

One of our favorite new ideas to give thanks is by baking “thank you” bread using a monkey bread recipe. Then, as each family member pulls off each piece, ask them share something for which they are grateful. Here at Peace Learning Center we are grateful for so many things – most of which are a direct result of people like you!

Thank you for everything you do to promote peace in our community.

Peace on,

Peace Learning Center

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