Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In this post, I wanted to share with you some information about a free online event, “The Mindful Eating Summit,” which will happen next week on August 25 – 29.

Find out more here: https://mindfuleatingsummit.com/

This site invites you to sign up for the online event by providing a free Emotional Eater’s Tool Kit. The event is hosted by Dr. Susan Albers (@DrSusanAlbers on Twitter). Dr. Albers will interview experts on the habits and emotions that shape the way we eat. Participants will take away techniques, strategies and tools to apply right away to take charge and stop emotional eating.

green monster

I signed up because I admit that I can be an emotional eater, and I know that additional resources to help me make better choices could be very useful. Although I’ve consciously chosen better habits for the most part, significant stress can make me more likely to seek out junk food for comfort. If you have interest in this topic, please click on the link above to find out more.

Something that I started doing recently that has been very helpful is to make Green Monster smoothie drinks filled with vegetables, fresh fruit, and a dollop of protein powder. I feel great after enjoying one of these drinks. Here’s a link to a recipe to get started: https://noshon.it/recipes/green-monster-smoothie/

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to comment here or to contact me directly in email at mindfulpath@outlook.com.

I hope you enjoy a mindful week. I look forward to providing you with more resources and information about mindfulness in my next post.