Engaging online learners can be done well with a variety of resources.  Tribes Learning Communities is an effective resource for group development, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), and putting F2F learning experiences online.  Enjoy these resources from our Basic Online Course (BOC).  For more information, please contact us.

Here are a few Tribes suggestions and strategies that work online. 


  • Begin every session with some kind of Inclusion – whether it is a question, or an activity.
  • Review agreements – or better yet, have students review and/or define the agreements for the session.
  • Give “project-based-SEL” homework, as in:  find a video that supports a Tribes agreement.

Below are some downloadable goodies that are provided to participants in our online Tribes courses. 

The Video list is a bit dated but has suggestions for K-12.
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Weekly Tribes –

  • Getting Started is great for starting the school year… and even this far into the school year.
    [download id=”115″]
  • Final Countdown can be used EVERY day.
    [download id=”114″]
  • I’ve Got a Strategy is a list of every strategy we do in the online course, and its application to curriculum.
    [download id=”117″]

Here is another resource that Tribes contributed to:  https://tribes.com/everydaycircles/

and you can sample more Everyday Circles cards here:  https://teachheart.org/education-resources-home-schooling-coronavirus/

Keep up your excellent work and stay healthy and safe.