I love being at IUPUI because of the extra little somethings, exhibits, and events the campus hosts to promote the never-ending amounts of diversity we have pouring into Indianapolis. Today there was an Allies for Inclusion: The Ability Exhibit, emphasizing the inclusion for those who may be mentally or physically disabled. Though there may be challenges they are still able to do whatever they might set their mind to.

Starbucks also just released and has begun selling their holiday cups as we approach the holiday season. There have already been complaints about the cup not being red or not including Santa or Jesus on the cup. Some tweets have gone as far as to accuse Starbucks of hating Christmas. All of this because of a cup. Howard Schultz spoke up prior to the cup design being released. He expressed that the cup was covered with a vast amount of people and faces all of different origins and diverse appearances to exemplify unity and the act of standing together.

Inclusion is not hard, and we’re all here together, striving for whatever dream we have. Instead of pushing one another down or ignoring someone entirely, in my eyes, building each other up is the only productive way to live with others.