Meet Adrianna Castleberry! Adrianna is one of our facilitation interns for this summer! She is a senior at the University of Indianapolis and working to pursue a career in Social Work. After graduation, she’s hoping to work as a clinical CPS worker and with the juvenile population.

What brought you to Peace Learning Center?

I chose PLC because after a very hopeful search to find a great fit for my junior internship, I came across Peace Learning Center. When I read through their information about their summer program with my Advisor, I was immediately sucked in as their program for the children sounds the most successful and instructional.  

What is a cause you’re passionate about and how does it relate to PLC?

I am very passionate about giving children a second chance. Many adults are too hard on children and expect far too much from them such as clean your room or do your homework as soon as you get home from school rather than “how was your day?” I feel that PLC allows children to take a day vacation to learn and explore rather than needing to handle their parents’ expectations for the summer.  

What are you hoping to get out of this summer/ your internship?

I hope to get a little insight on how children handle different learning activities as they all have a focus point. I’d love to watch what they learn from our lessons that are planned for them when they visit PLC.

What do you do for fun?

In my free time I normally spend time with my son Xander and watch cartoons. Paw Patrol is our thing. I love going on walks and exploring when the weather is nice and not too hot for baby boy. I also love doing crafts and cooking. Exploring in the kitchen is my form of self-care and relaxation.