When Jeanne Gibbs wrote the first Tribes book in the 1970’s, little did she realize that the Tribes Learning Community process would help build community in educational settings well into the 21st century. In the last 25 years, with the support of many dedicated staff and district trainers, Tribes has reached over 46,000 educators and their students in over 10,500 schools in 43 countries. This leading social emotional learning (SEL) program currently offers training for elementary, middle and high school educators, as well as after school and youth development programs.
The future of Tribes is now brighter than ever!
Peace Learning Center (PLC) is pleased to announce that Jeanne and her home tribe have chosen us to lead Tribes Learning Communities moving forward. PLC has been working in the Indianapolis community for 23 years, serving over 230,000 youth and adults. After years of collaborative efforts between Tribes and Peace Learning Center, two like-minded organizations, we are collectively excited about this new chapter for Peace Learning Center.
TLC to PLC… a perfect fit!
Peace Learning Center’s programs fall into three pillars 1) Social Emotional Learning 2) Equity and 3) Restorative Justice. Tribes will fill a gap in services with an evidence-based curriculum that all of our program facilitators have now been trained in. PLC staff will continue working in Central Indiana schools and the community with youth, teachers, and youth-workers using what they have learned from Tribes in addition to the equity and restorative practices deeply ingrained in programming already.
Longtime Tribes staff trainers will continue to facilitate training, consult and mentor new trainers under PLC’s direction. This collaborative union of talented staff will ensure a successful transition for Tribes and an expansion of SEL offerings for years to come.
This transition is official today. You can learn more about Tribes at https://tribes.com and order books, materials, and trainings.
This work is supported by Samerian Foundation, Cummins Foundation, and Herbert Simon Family Foundation.