Let’s start with the easy stuff – give us a sample of your professional background and experience.

I graduated from IUPUI in December of 2018 with a degree in Civic Leadership and minors in Spanish and Public Management. During my time in undergrad, I was a social justice scholar. As a social justice scholar, I discovered my passion for DEI work. During the first 6 months after I graduated, I worked as a substitute teacher at IPS schools and as a youth worker through the John Boner Center. After that, I landed a position at Marian University’s career development office. During my time at Marian, I became a member of the Community Engaged Learning Committee, in which I still serve as a community member. I also recently became a member of MCCOY’s board.

What brought you to PLC?

I have wanted to be involved with Peace Learning Center since I was in undergrad. I feel like the mission and the values of this organization directly align with my personal values and goals. It is very important for me to be at an organization that does work that benefits the greater good.

What are you most excited about in your new role?

I’m excited to be in a position where I can use my skills and talents to do work in a field that I am passionate about. I Iook forward to growing as a facilitator and providing resources and a curriculum that is accessible to the Latinx community.

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

My idea of a perfect day is a day that is stress and anxiety-free. I enjoy exploring new places and trying new things, so it would definitely have to include those two things. It also would include 70-degree weather and an unlimited amount of spending money.

If we pushed play on what you were last listening to (music, podcast or otherwise) what would we hear?

I’m not too sure honestly. My music playlist includes a variety of music; old school R&B, salsa, classic rock, hip hop, reggaeton, alternative, afrobeat, and indie.

Pre-COVID, you’re invited to a pitch-in, what are you bringing?

I love cooking and trying new recipes. I’d probably bring more than one dish because I’m extra. I think I would bring either a Puerto Rican or Cuban dish. I enjoy sharing my culture with those around me and I think one of the best ways to do that is through food.

Who is someone you look up to? Why?

Family: I admire my mother and grandmother’s resilience and I hope one day I can fully embody their greatness. I believe they have set the path for my success and it is really important for me to honor that.

Non-Family: AOC is my favorite. I aspire to be as well-spoken, intentional, and bold as she is.

Lastly, how did you celebrate when you accepted your new job?

I think the first thing I did was call my mom, the next thing I did was cry ( tears of joy).  After that I probably went to get ice cream or dinner, I’m not too sure of the details but I know for a fact that I cried.