Statewide (Free) Restorative Practices Train the Trainer -Apply Today!

2021-05-20T17:41:21-04:00October 5th, 2020|

Peace Learning Center, in partnership with DMHA, has created a FREE train-the-trainer program for schools across the state of Indiana. In the spring of 2021, the module for the central region of Indiana will begin.  If you are in  Northern Indiana, there will be sessions held near you in the fall of 2021. Each participating school will send a small team who will: Receive 5 days of training and will emerge as trainers, capable of training the rest of your staff Receive all training materials and resources Create a restorative discipline plan to help move your practices from punitive to restorative Be connected to a cohort of other schools to learn from and share resources Receive support and consultation from Peace Learning Center *If in-person training's are not an option, we will offer online training's, certification, and resource distribution! It is also important to note that starting school year 2019-2020 school districts need to ensure that they are continuing to meet the letter and intent of HEA 1421. This train the trainer opportunity and creation of restorative discipline plan would meet these statutory requirements! The Spring 2021 Cohort will be trained in central Indiana at Peace Learning Center. 6040 Delong Rd Indianapolis, IN 46254 Cost of training, lodging and a perdiem for each participant are covered.   Cost of travel and substitutes are not covered. Apply here.