be the change- tile mosaic progress

Mosaic tile project in progress.

We have two powerhouse volunteers who come weekly to help with be the change. Samantha and Leslie have been a huge help in making the floor look beautiful. After scrubbing it clean, priming and giving it two coats of a deep charcoal grey color, it transforms the room from a dusty old basement to a lovely spacious room. We are excited to look ahead at the possibility of a talented muralist creating a path along the floor to help guide people through exhibits of be the change.

Without owning a truck, trailer, or semi I am amazed how we have collected over 3 dozen wooden pallets. We still have a long way to go and are always looking for volunteers to donate some time and energy towards helping create wall paneling out of wooden pallets.  If you have access to wooden pallets and would like to drop some here at Peace Learning Center reach out to me

It especially helps when the wooden pallets are already disassembled.

Here are some the boards resting on our fresh floor.

Here are some the boards resting on our fresh floor.

Last week on the day after Thanksgiving I had the pleasure of working with two IUPUI students who are passionate about

making a change. They were very handy with removing nails from a recent delivery of wooden pallets. I am grateful for their background in carpentry!

Lastly, I am excited to post about the progress of the tile mosaic. It truly is a work in progress and not having experience with tile mosaic work, I have a new- found respect for people who take on such endeavors. Check it out!

Thank you for keeping up with our progress and be on the lookout this week for information about our vision meeting in January that will be open to anyone who is interested in be the change.