Introducing: be the change.

2021-05-20T17:43:07-04:00October 3rd, 2013|

Where Be the Change is housed. Hello! My name is Lesli Butler and I am a Public Ally serving at the Peace Learning Center for the next 10 months. While I am here, my focus is on helping to bring the vision of Be the Change to reality. What is Be the Change? Still in its infancy, Be the Change is an interactive space where art, knowledge, and awareness come together to inspire people to look at how their choices effect the world around them. Decisions I make daily impact the people around me and also those who are on the other side of the globe. Sometimes I may not know how my way of living can bring harm to people or to animals or the earth. To understand how my decisions impact the world, I imagine a ripple effect spreading over the globe with each decision I make. Be the Change will exhibit empowering ways to cause a ripple of peace. Now I like to imagine how billions of ripples can impact the world with peace. With the support of the Peace Learning Center, Heart, and the community of Indianapolis, we are creating a composition of engaging exhibits where youth and adults can think, touch, see, and discover the power of living consciously.  We are just starting to lay the framework for Be the Change which is within the Peace Learning Center in the beautiful Eagle Creek