Weekly Tribes 2018: The AM/FM Conversation

2018-04-30T13:27:11-04:00April 30th, 2018|

Do you have this book yet? Catch the Fire Details for ‘The AM/FM Conversation’ are on page 87-88 and 91-92. Here’s the gist: Imagine we each have a radio inside – a metaphor for our inner-speak AM = ‘against me’ conversations, FM = ‘For me’ or Forward Moving conversations. Discuss examples of both kinds of ‘talk’. Have participants draw a vertical line on paper and write down examples of their own AM and FM conversations.  Share in small groups. Now have each person, in small group, practice talking in the ‘FM’.  “If you really knew me you would know…(all ‘FM’ channel).  Reflect on how that felt – both as a speaker and as a listener. Finally, invite everyone in full circle to share one FM statement he/she would like to say to him/herself more often. This could be a very Influential strategy. What about using in curriculum?!  Apply the AM/FM channels to literary or historical characters, reasons for knowing algebra/geometry, study skills, test-taking, or topics like ‘social media’.