It is defined, simply, as “people with shared beliefs and practices, shared beliefs and values of group, knowledge and sophistication.”  The culture of a school defines its success, or failure, to educate students – socially, emotionally, and academically.

John Goodlad wrote, “It is difficult to think of a reform initiative of significance that can proceed successfully without understanding and attention to the culture of individual schools.”

While many schools struggle to meet students’ needs, manage student’s behavior, and encourage a positive morale…the tendency seems to have become one of reaction, rather than action.  Bullying programs, the latest academic program, inspirational speakers…all costly, quick fixes that may or may not make an immediate difference, or have a chance of making a long term change.

For years, author and founder of Tribes TLC Jeanne Gibbs, has been saying, writing, and referencing noted educators that the way we ‘do school’ is outdated, impersonal, and inherently flawed.  And now it is a topic on national news!

“We need to change the way we educate students for the 21st century.”

So here it is…it’s been in your various Tribes books since the beginning of the 21st century.

“6 Steps Toward Cultural Pluralism”  (p. 125 Engaging All…)

  • Build Staff Awareness
  • Develop Curriculum for Teaching Tolerance
  • Celebrate Multicultural Diversity
  • Integrate Classes
  • Build Self-confidence and Self-worth
  • Involve Parents

Chapter 5 in Discovering Gifts in Middle School is titled “A Culture for Growing Early Adolescents”.

Professional development has struggled with funding and time, but the Tribes TLC process continues to thrive in schools throughout the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

Get a book.

Get to a training.

Become a trainer.   This year, there are four Training of Trainer courses; two in the U.S., one in Canada, and one in Australia.

Join our tribe of dedicated, motivated, collaborative, and highly effective and affective educators.