Emma Horton is one of our country’s first female Eagle Scout candidates. A senior at North Central High School in Indianapolis, she decided to focus her community service project at Peace Learning Center inside Eagle Creek Park because of its mission to help people learn how to be peacemakers.

Completing a needs assessment of the facility, Emma chose to install new safety rails including a 70’ handrail along a stairway trail to the water behind the building. A newer stairway did not include a handrail down the steep descent to Eagle Creek Reservoir. Two other handrails leading from upper parking to the building were damaged and needed replaced.  In addition, because of Covid and the need for more outdoor spaces, Emma chose to construct new picnic benches.

Altogether Emma recruiting 30 volunteers to help with the project contributing over 166 hours of labor.

“We are so thankful for all the work Emma and her team completed to help Peace Learning Center,” said Tim Nation.  “ Not only did they address facility safety concerns, they also added outdoor place to serve young people this summer and beyond.”

Here are some of the pictures: