This past weekend, one that should have been full of love and celebration, was quickly brought to an end as we lost the lives of so many beautiful people.  Our hearts go out to each of the fifty families, who are suffering the loss of their loved ones.  Our hearts go out to the LGBTQ community around the world, who now question their safety in places they should feel welcome.  Our hearts go out to those who fear to be themselves.

In my heart there is anger for those doing harm to others.  I find it unbearable to think people can do these actions and still be at peace with themselves.  I know there are prayers, good thoughts and hopes across the world. But there is action to be taken as well. There is a change to be done.  I’ve learned the values of the Peace Learning Center, and I find it most appropriate that their goal is help the community, help the city and through progression, the world.  By establishing respect, dignity and embracing all differences, similarities and experiences peace may be achieved in our homes, our lives, our communities.

This tragedy that took too many lives and hurt too many people isn’t just an issue about gun control. It’s not just about the gunman and his race. It’s not just about any one thing because it is about many things affecting our world today. But, this incident is about the power of hatred. Hatred that was acted upon. Many think fighting this fire with more fire will end it, but it’ll only generate more bad energy.  To combat this unfortunate event, we cannot only sit and hope for things to get better.

It’s about making the first step towards change. It’s about giving the love and peace we hope to see in the world. It’s about leading by example, showing each other love and respect.  It’s about being so full of love and acceptance of each other, there’s no room for anything else. We come together in this time of loss, but we need to stay together, not only when there’s turmoil. We need to stand together in the good times, too. The stronger we can stand in the good, the less chance bad will even surface.

I hope to see the world so full of love, so full of kindness, so full of peace, the negative thoughts and actions will have no place to exist.  My heart is with every individual impacted by this event.