Hey friends, my name is Kelly Keeley and I am the new Marketing and Communications intern for the Peace Learning Center. I am ecstatic to start this journey and learn more about the ins and outs of a peacemaking, nonprofit organization.

As a philanthropy major at IUPUI, my focus for the future is to work on creating a sustainable world through work with the environment and social equality. If you know anything about the Peace Learning Center, this is what they are all about. I happened upon this place on accident though. I came here on a super icey, wintery day and couldn’t park in my usual spot by the Eagle Creek beach, so I turned down Delong Road. I was at awe when I saw this beautiful little house nestled in the trees. I was in even more awe when I noticed all of the windows! I have this silly fascination with sunrooms, and when I walked towards the little beach adjacent to the building, I saw two! I was immediately in love, wanting to make the place my home. A few days later, I searched around to see what this place was all about and immediately set up an inquiry with the Director of Engagement, Jay.

Everyday I strive to make the world a more peaceful place. I was blown away at how much the center does to empower the youth to live peacefully. In my first hour at the center, I witnessed over one hundred fourth grade students interact in such a positive, open environment. Instead of listening to a lecture about how they could create peace, they were participating in activities that will help lead them to positive change for the world. Hearing all of their excitement made it even more of an inviting place. Although I will mostly be working behind the scenes, I am excited to see the unlimited ways I can make a difference.