Single moms and Indianapolis crime: ‘The streets raised him’

by Kristine Guerra, 9:36 a.m. EDT October 24, 2014

We’re so proud of Levia and Jalen Heffner who were featured in today’s IndyStar, for their strength and courage to make positive changes in their lives!

“Heffner also credits the Peace Learning Center. She and her children went through the organization’s Connect and Communicate program, which focuses on preventing violence through education and counseling and providing financial help to parents.

The sessions with Heffner and her family focused on the day-to-day struggles. Heffner learned to manage finances better. Jalen learned to settle even the most mundane household disputes, like taking out the trash.”

The Heffners are just one of many families that have been empowered through Peace Learning Center’s Connect & Communicate program which is made possible thanks to investments from the Women’s Fund, a Central Indiana Community Foundation Fund, and the Clowes Fund.

Click here to read the Indy Star’s article.

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