Enroll in IPL’s Cool Cents Program by 11/8 to receive $20 off your bill & IPL will give PLC $25!

Complete the pdf form below before 11/8 and fax it to Gretchen Hunt at 317-664-8205.

IPL Cool Cents

Here’s more information about the program:

For a limited time only! IPL is extending their CoolCents program to YOU! In addition to your organization earning $25.00 for every IPL Customer who participates in this program, IPL will credit the individuals personal account $20 every year!

The good news is no one is required to be home to have device placed on your home.

Apartments do qualify for this program! (Additional information below)

 You can personally enroll into this program by printing and filling out the attached form.

Make sure to place PEACE LEARNING CENTER and our organizational ID: PLCX08272013 at the top or bottom of the form and

FAX to: 317-664-8205; ATTN: Gretchen Hunt. Hurry! All forms must be turned in by November 8, 2013 so you can receive your money by December 2013!