Meet Anita Jackson, Director of Community CARE*

*Community, Advocacy, Reconciliation, and Engagement

Anita Jackson smiling in a white shirt. Trees and shrubs behind her.

Let’s start with the easy stuff – give us a sample of your professional background and experience.

My academic background is in education. I got my Bachelor’s degree in Education from IUPUI and taught for about 4 years. I recently returned to IUPUI to pursue my MPA in Nonprofit Management. In my 11 years of nonprofit experience, I have held direct-service and leadership positions. Some of the organizations I have worked at are the Brightwood Community Center, YMCA of Greater Indianapolis, Eskenazi Heath, Families First, and Catholic Charities Indianapolis.

What brought you to PLC?

It’s always been a dream of mine to work at PLC. I became familiar with PLC as a teacher and was impressed with the conflict resolution programs and curriculum. The Director of Community CARE position was appealing to me because it would allow me the opportunity to build community collaborations and provide an opportunity for young people to be more successful in their school endeavors.

What are you most excited about in your new role?

There are so many things I am looking forward to doing in this role. I am most excited to collaborate with other agencies like Reach for Youth, the Boys and Girls Clubs, Edna Martin Community Center, and external partners on this project.

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

My perfect day would be sunny with warm or hot weather and I would be productive in some capacity.

If we pushed play on what you were last listening to (music, podcast or otherwise) what would we hear?

The last podcast I listened to was a relationship podcast titled, Friendz with Billie Podcast.

Pre-COVID, you’re invited to a pitch-in, what are you bringing?

Usually, I contribute a meat and cheese platter to pitch-ins.

Who is someone you look up to? Why?

One individual I look up to is Michelle Obama. Her intelligence, poise, and grace are things I admire.

Lastly, how did you celebrate when you accepted your new job?

I celebrated my new position with two of my closest friends. We went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for tacos.