Let’s start with the easy stuff – give us a sample of your professional background and experience.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. I have worked mostly with women and children. I have worked with children of all ages starting with preschool all the way up to High School. I have worked with youth in after- school programming and with youth in residential treatment. I have worked with women and children experiencing homelessness and women with addictions. In my last role I was the Unit Director for Wheeler-Dowe Boys & Girls Club.
What brought you to PLC?
A few years ago, I attended a training at PLC and I thought to myself this would be a great place to work. I love training and facilitating and recently I was looking into moving my career in that direction, so when I saw that PLC was hiring, I decided to go ahead and send in my resume.
What are you most excited about in your new role?
I am excited to be a part of an organization that practices what it preaches. I am also thrilled to be a part of such a diverse team of awesome individuals.
What’s your idea of a perfect day?
A nice breeze with some sunshine surrounded by the beauty of fall!
If we pushed play on what you were last listening to (music, podcast, or otherwise) what would we hear?
Any of the following: gospel music, smooth jazz, rhythm and blues, rap music and even a little country.
Pre-COVID, you’re invited to a pitch-in, what are you bringing?
Most people request my green beans or my macaroni and cheese.
Who is someone you look up to? Why?
I don’t really have a specific person I look up to. I always look up to individuals who are brave enough to tell their stories and people who act justly, love mercy and walk humbly.
Lastly, how did you celebrate when you accepted your new job?
I celebrate daily with a smile!