Meet Ramisa Reza! Ramisa is our Special Events and Fundraising Intern for the summer. She is a rising Junior at Purdue University majoring in Public Relations & Strategic Communication, as well as Global Studies.


What brought you to Peace Learning Center?

I aspire to a career in the non-profit sector! While my current studies are focused on global issues, I was determined to take this summer to become active in my local community. When researching Indianapolis based non-profits, Peace Learning Center was perhaps the most dynamic organization I found. Additionally, it boasted a cause that I care about, as I was actually in the midst of an awesome Peace Studies class! I was eager to put my education into use and after having the chance to speak to Jay Horan and Tiffany Talbert, I felt this opportunity would be a valuable first step into my dream field. 


What is a cause you’re passionate about and how does it relate to PLC?

My interests lie particularly in Human Rights. Being a first-generation American, I have always been hyper-aware of the privileges I have had in my life when compared to the life I could have lived in a developing nation. The rights and freedoms we hold, from freedom of expression to the right to an education, are not as common around the world as we may think. And while cultural relativity cannot be overlooked, I do believe we, as a world, can offer better. As such, I would argue that it is at the intersection of Human Rights and Peace Studies that we find how to create a more equal world – one that is based on mutual respect and boasts equitable opportunities for all. This is a vision I am committed to and something PLC is demonstrably active in. 


What are you hoping to get out of this summer/ your internship?

I am excited to build the communication skills and social justice related knowledge I have. Nothing is more valuable than real-world experience and I am so grateful to have this opportunity to work alongside people that are dedicated to the community and welcome to let me get involved! 


What do you do for fun?

I love to paint! I will be the first to admit that I am not a good artist, but it is one of the few realms where I am comfortable with not taking things too seriously. In fact, I classify all of the works I do under a series titled, “Girl paints objects as if she has never seen them in real life.” Clearly, I’m very proud of it.