We did not have to end our services.
We did not have to let employees go.
We did not close the doors of Peace Learning Center for good.
But all of that could have been the case in this unprecedented year if it had not been for the support of peacemakers like you who believe in our work to transform our community.
This year has been extremely hard on everyone and we know how valuable every dollar is to individuals, families, and businesses. What you give goes directly to support our programs and services. The youth, adults, and families we serve benefit tremendously because you help PLC provide equity, social emotional learning, and restorative justice education.
We believe in transparency and that is why we want to share with you, our supporters, a few quick facts about PLC’s 2020:
  • Expected revenue of nearly $150,000 was lost because of the effects of COVID-19 on schools, individuals, and funders.
  • Our annual fundraiser, which typically generates $20,000, was cancelled.
  • Four staff members left us in 2020.
Despite these rather sobering statistics, there’s much more good than bad to come out of 2020 for PLC:
  • Served 6,463 unduplicated individuals from January until the end of November.
  • We have hired three new positions (Director of Programs, Director of Social Emotional Learning, and Facilitator/Coordinator) that will start in the new year.
  • Nearly all our learning programs have successfully transferred to a virtual format and we are getting excellent reviews.
  • Family Programs have stepped up to the needs of families at Blackburn Terrace public housing providing food, essential household items, and family learning opportunities.
  • Our building was adapted to be ADA accessible.
  • The entire Indianapolis Public School district administration has been trained in Restorative Practices.
  • Our Public Ally, Alena Finnell, has been a phenomenal addition to our team, facilitating and working on curriculum within her first week on the job.
2020 has revealed truths many do not want to face. Systemic racism is undeniable. A pandemic is unrelenting. Police violence is real. The economy is hurt.
But we know that Peace Learning Center has so much to contribute to the healing of these ills. Help us achieve our vision of a healed world where strong and caring communities strive together to fully live in peace.