AustinPeace, in my eyes, means there is a perception of tranquility and security in the present moment, whether that be in an individual or wide spread sense.  Thinking on a societal level to a national level, I believe peace is limited on how far it can reach due to differing senses on what that really means. To one community, broken windows and street graffiti can feel like home. However, to others, those could be signs of discomfort. Therefore, different initiatives that one person thinks would improve a community could in fact conflict with the sense of peace and stability that those living there feel. I think that a lot of places are peaceful, but it takes the right person to be able to see that in them. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I believe peace is limited to a community, and those there should do their best to ensure it is maintained. Yet, I do believe there are situations and experiences you can learn from (visiting the PLC) that will give you different perspectives on how to achieve that peace in the environment you place yourself in.

It’s nearly impossible for me to choose one most impactful moment of my internship this summer. There are countless moments every day I have with our amazing staff making it truly enjoyable to be here. Their constant support and positive energy make it a loving and educational environment for both myself and the children we serve. I couldn’t imagine doing what we do all summer without them. You couldn’t find a more selfless group of individuals that genuinely care about helping and supporting the lives of the children.   When our groups leave the PLC, my main hope is that the children know they are important and are able to be impactful members of their community. So much of what we do focuses on developing and/or harnessing leadership skills and qualities in these children. I want them to be able to realize this to become the outstanding people we are able to see in each of them when they are here.

Austin is currently a full-time student at the University of Indianapolis, and he will be a Senior this upcoming calendar year. While there, he has been busy working, being involved with various service projects, leading his university’s GSA, UIndy PRIDE, and studying to become an accredited social worker. In the future, he would love to be an advocate for children in a couple of different manners. Working in adoptions and with LGBTQ+ youth are dream jobs of his. At the PLC, we are so excited to see where his path takes him!