To me, Peace means the opportunity for genuine dialogue. As Martin Buber called it, the “I and Thou” moments. In those moments, there are no hidden agendas, no assumptions, and no judgments. There are only people coming together to talk and listen.  I think peace can be achieved through the “I and Thou” moments. Everyone just needs to be willing to open themselves up to others. 

It is hard for me to pick a most memorable moment at Peace Learning Center, as all of my moments have been memorable. I have only been there for two weeks, but I have already learned quite a bit about what it is like behind the scenes at a nonprofit. I will also never forget how everyone was kind and welcomed me in from the very beginning. 

To quote my favorite lyric, from my favorite song in the musical RENT, “Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.”  I try to live by this quote because life is too short to have regrets. Worrying over something behind you can keep you from learning the lessons of the past. Not only that, but it can keep you from enjoying yourself in the present.

Lexie is a Senior at Franklin College as a Religious Studies Major. After graduation, she hopes to work in the nonprofit sector. Helping others is a calling of hers. When she is not studying theodicies, prophets, or the books of the Bible, she spends her time cooking. She loves trying out new recipes.