Dear Friends,

I write to share exciting news: There is a new 12 minute film about Power of Hope made by local filmmakers Brad Coley and Cassidy Friedman. It is an amazing documentary that captures the deep creative transformation that happens every summer at Commonweal.

This film launches our online campaign to raise scholarship funds to send 20 teenagers from the Bay Area to the Power of Hope Summer Camp in July. This camp brings together youth from all different backgrounds to immerse themselves in a week of creative arts, hosted at Commonweal, that builds community and changes all involved. We still have a few spots for teenagers at camp, please help spread the word!

Visit the GoFundMe page today to learn more, donate and to see Brad and Cassidy’s shorter 2 minute video about Power of Hope.

With deep gratitude for all your support and help,


Oren Slozberg

Executive Director l Commonweal