As the Marketing and Communications Intern, I’m able to participate in the business side of the nonprofit, peacemaking organization.  With this, I’m helping to create the Annual Report for the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year. Reviewing the year’s activities and events, I’m sincerely blown away at how much this empowering group of people are doing.  They are all working together to better livIMG_1905es and improve the minds of youth and families.

I included a picture I took on my first day of the door leading to the stairs where the kids learn about meditation. I love the simplicity and pureness of the statements. Peace be with you.”  It’s a greeting, it’s a farewell, it’s a kind command. Peace be with you. Nothing is stopping serenity from easing your mind.  Letting peace happen is a choice. It’s mind over matter, and knowing when to stop worrying.  It’s allowing yourself to hold a kind mindset.  You can’t always come into a peaceful situation, but I’m learning how you can take the steps necessary to have a more peaceful life.

I have been exploring the numerous ways in which the organization works to facilitate their different programs  to achieve a mindful lifestyle.  Today a church group came to participate in a day of peace building.  One of PLC’s partners is Act Out.  Actors  act out a particular scenario, and they allow the visiting group to say what should happen, what should be done, or what could have been done.  From an activity like this, the groups are able to see consequences from actions or observe the more just choice.

With Peace Learning Center being set in the beautiful Eagle Creek Park, the groups are able to be outside, and they are not just lectured over the ways they can create peace.  Instead they are involved, learning and seeing firsthand how to have a kinder mindset. I think having the camps outside gives way for the sunshine and fresh air to create a positive, friendly, open environment.  As I sit typing this, I can hear today’s group outside. They’re working on a team building exercise; the sounds of excitement are contagious and inviting.  I’m headed out to see the peace empowerment for myself now, but check back every Tuesday and Thursday to see what else I’m learning!