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At Peace Learning Center, we think of peace as a series of concentric circles starting with self, others, and then rippling out to the community.  If we are to truly have a peaceful community (both global and local), we must not only take fellow humans into account but also the environment and the creatures who share our environment with us.

To that end, we work hard to encourage participants in our programs to consider the world beyond themselves—which is no easy endeavor.  Let’s face it, although compelling, the facts and figures about our world’s most pressing problems cause most of us to glaze over.

To address this challenge, we have created an interactive exhibit at Peace Learning Center called “be the change.”  “be the change” will give participants an inviting space to learn meaningful ways that they can use their own lives to help other humans, animals, and our environment. In the true spirit of Ghandi’s notion, “be the change you wish to see in the world” we have used repurposed, reused, and sustainable materials to create a series of thoughtful and interactive exhibits for both youth and adults.

Have you ever wondered how much a pound of CO2 really is?  Come check out our CO2 display!

What about the impact of your dinner on pollution or water use?  We’ve got that, too!

Finding ways to convey wonky, often depressing data and statistics in playful and hands-on ways is one way we are helping people make the connections between their everyday actions and the impacts they have on our planet, on animals, and on other humans.   Activities are designed to be interesting for adults and kids alike, making this a great place to bring your family! Be the change header opening

“be the change” is a collaborative effort with HEART (teachhumane.org) and will open its doors to the public on April 18th.  Please join us for our grand opening on April 18, 2015 from 10 am -2 pm with tours at 11 am and 1 pm. To register for the open house (and for a free park pass) go to: peacelearningcenter.org/be-the-change