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Everyday Circles Cards (Digital Download)

Everyday Circles Cards (Digital Download)
Everyday Circles Cards (Digital Download)

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Everyday Circles Cards (Digital Download)

Model Number: everyday-cards
For less than 28 cents a day, you can build the kind of community you've always wanted. Commit to Everyday Circles each day, and incredible things start happening: inclusion, acceptance, skill-building, empathy, compassion, restoration, and so much more.
  • Buy 11-30 at $44.95 each
  • Buy 31-50 at $42.45 each
  • Buy 51 or more at $37.46 each
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Your Price: $49.95
A one-time price of $49.95 will be added to your order.
Manufacturer: Peace Learning Center
  • Description

NOTE: Each individual unit is an entire SET of Everyday Circles cards. (See below for volume discounting)

Build the kind of community you've always wanted. Commit to Everyday Circles each day, and incredible things start happening: inclusion, acceptance, skill-building, empathy, compassion, restoration, and so much more.If you've wanted to incorporate restorative practices, anti-bias education, social and emotional learning, as well as meaningful content on pressing world issues, but didn't know where to start - we created this for you.This isn't meant to add one more thing to your plate. It is the plate. The circle can become where your students connect with one another and learn the valuable SEL Competencies of self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, social awareness, and responsible decision-making. Everyday Circles cards are intended to be easy, quick, and fun...with almost no prep work from you! These are the tried and true activities that we've seen help transform learners and communities. Learn more about this resource and access six complimentary cards!© 2021 Transformative Learning Alliance. All Rights Reserved.Any unauthorized reproduction, transmission, modification, display or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited by law.