The Mindful Path – Clear the Clutter

2021-05-20T17:42:38-04:00October 7th, 2014|Tags: , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In this post, I want to share something important with you that I found out about mindfulness. Lately, I’ve found myself noticing that I’ve accumulated a lot of clutter. Over time, a pile of books here, and materials for various projects there…..and there….and there have been making me feel loaded down and without energy. Unfortunately, I’m not the kind of person who can quickly find exactly the page I want from a big stack of papers. I spent a good part of the last weekend clearing the clutter and getting more organized. In the process, I found a few things I hadn’t been able to locate easily. I also filled six large garbage bags with perfectly useful items that I no longer needed, and I donated them to Goodwill. As a result of this, I feel much more grounded and able to take care of some things I’d been putting off. I feel as if I have a fresh start and new awareness. This experience reminded me of a great resource on my bookshelf to share with you. Sarah Susanka is an amazingly gifted architect who initiated the “small house movement,” where building better does not have to mean building big, sprawling mega houses. Susanka has applied this perspective to her book, “The Not So Big Life.” Go here to find out more about the book and much more: Consider what gets in