Board Member Spotlight – April 2022

2022-05-01T14:09:23-04:00April 21st, 2022|Tags: , |

Meet Robin G. Jackson, M.A. Please provide 2-3 sentences about yourself (where you work/go to school, hobbies) I am a Doctoral Candidate in Urban Education Studies, in the IUPUI School of Education. I am also a Doctoral Research Assistant at the Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP Center). My current hobbies include binging true crime/horror shows, documentaries, and podcasts. You know. To relax. What is it about PLC’s work that appeals to you? My own work with the MAP Center involves assisting in providing technical assistance to state and local education agencies across a 13-state region—which encompasses guiding our partners through developing antiracist and anti-oppressive practices to better serve all students, but minoritized students in particular. PLC’s work is in this wheelhouse, which is what drew me in. I appreciate the ongoing work PLC is willing to do to ensure they are honoring its vision of becoming an anti-racist organization. Anti-racism is a journey, not a destination. I believe this sentiment is understood, lessons are learned and internalized, and the discomfort is welcomed. What kind of work are you doing with PLC? I have been a board member since Spring 2019. I bring with me criticality and a repository of equity-centered resources—both that have been afforded to me through my Doctoral training, in conjunction with an immersion in scholarship and technical assistance at the MAP Center. Can you tell us a memorable experience or something you have learned