Meet the Intern: Kate Owens

2021-05-20T17:41:29-04:00May 15th, 2019|Tags: , |

HI! I’m Kate Owens and I’m this summer’s Marketing and Communications intern at Peace Learning Center! I’m currently a senior at IU Lily School of Philanthropy. Majoring in philanthropic studies allows me to learn about the history of philanthropy and theories to be effective as well as the tangible skills necessary to succeed in a non-profit setting. In my free time, I love to travel and go to concerts. I also spend an inappropriate amount of time binge-watching shows I have already seen. I am incredibly passionate about mental health and social justice issues. The role mental health plays in the lives of individuals and communities cannot be overstated. Mental health awareness can lead to a healthier and more productive society. I see mental health to not only include mental illness in a clinical sense but also part of every individual's overall wellbeing.  It also includes the development of healthy coping skills, emotional intelligence, and the importance of self-care.  Mental health issues also have a major impact on other societal issues like the criminal justice system and addiction. I believe love in action through kindness and peace is one of the greatest ways to solve problems and strengthen communities and Peace Learning Center’s mission is the perfect embodiment of that. Martin Luther King Jr. sums it up best: “Love, agape, is the only cement that can hold this broken community together. When I am commanded to love, I am