7 Ways to Build Empathy

2021-05-20T17:42:10-04:00July 28th, 2015|Tags: |

We utilize Feelings Bingo to teach children about their feelings and how to express them in healthy ways. Building empathy is at the heart of "be the change" - the new exhibit and workshop series located in Peace Learning Center's lower level. Empathy plays a critical role in shaping how we interact with each other, animals, and the world around us. It's of critical importance to all good relationships - personal and professional. Some people may naturally have more of it than others. But, research shows us that it can be learned and practiced. Teachers and parents have the privilege and huge responsibility to teach empathy. Here are seven ways to be a good empathy influence for the children in your life and set them on the path to be the change for others throughout their lives: 1. Model caring for others 2. Model good listening skills 3. Be forgiving 4. Challenge prejudices and stereotypes 5. Help them learn to recognize, express, and manage their feelings 6. Encourage responsibility Click here to read more about how teachers can build empathy in the classroom through the Making Caring Common Project at Harvard University.