Remembering the Village

2021-05-20T17:41:29-04:00March 20th, 2019|Tags: , , |

by Naeemah Jackson, Family Programs Director Stereotypes are misleading. Stereotypes are harmful. Stereotypes are incredibly counter-productive, and they can be anathema to the truth of a person, and/or a group of people. Even city zip codes can reinforce negative stereotyping of the people who live within these boundaries. High property taxpayers vs. renters. Let us together demolish a pernicious stereotype. As an example, I am referencing Blackburn Terrace Apartment Complex which is located within the 46218 zip code in Indianapolis, IN; a zip code which is considered to be a "hot spot." Blackburn has its share of crime - which of course never fails to make it to the local evening news. After all, "if it bleeds, it leads." However, the level of scrutiny many neighborhoods and their residents receive - and the level of outrage and condemnation which the community at large can heap upon them is too often out of proportion; and, too often ignored are the constructive and positive activities and initiatives that are a daily occurrence. There is more good than bad. An example of a meritorious effort being carried out at the Blackburn Terrace Complex, among other proactive work being done by the staff, is the introduction of Peace Learning Center's Connect and Communicate (CC) Program. These multi-generational workshops have proven to be efficacious in the past at working with families to make what is good and righteous in the family, even better. We