Real Talk: Striving for Peace Within

2021-05-20T17:41:43-04:00August 14th, 2017|Tags: , , |

by Naeemah Jackson, Family Programs Director On 6 July 2017, my beloved Grandson, Dyani K. Saunders-Gammon was murdered.  He had been on this earth for 22 years, 4 months and 6 days.   With that, how do I, the Director of Family Programming at Peace Learning Center – a seasoned Peace Educator and fierce advocate of such – how do I reconcile the anger and deep sorrow in my heart?  How do I look at my work in the same optimistic way?  Do I allow my rage and grief to drag me into the waters of revenge and hate?  Or, do I seize this moment to lay bare my pain to myself; and search for inner paths that lead to what largesse I can muster for his killer? Is my Truth wide enough – deep enough –high enough to wrap arms around the person who perpetrated this heinous deed?  To forgive them?  To even begin to try and understand their life; their motivations; their reality? Will the lessons I teach to families fall upon my ears and hearts in the manner I hope it falls upon theirs?  Bottom line, will I practice what I preach? Will the lessons I teach to families fall upon my ears and hearts in the manner I hope it falls upon theirs?  Bottom line, will I practice what I preach? Right now, at this very moment, as I write these words, I