Family “Rules”

2017-05-25T16:13:42-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Tags: , |

Family "Rules" We Live By Our house has a revolving door.  Our friends, neighbors and kids friends are always stopping by and sometimes stay for a day or two or....more.  I often wonder why these individuals like to "hang out" at our house.  My ego says "WOW! We must be great parents and friends!" So I went on a quest and asked why our home is their "landing hub" and here's the answers I received: Your house is so calm and peaceful. There's no judgments made here. I feel like part of your family. It keeps me out of my parent's "messes" and makes me feel calm. I love that you always do things together and I feel included. This made me realize that the rules we try to live by in our home are working - although, admittedly, we aren't always successful at following them ourselves. We're not perfect, but we try and that has to count for something, right? So, here are some of the family rules we live by, not in any specific order, that I'd like to share with you. We don't have all the answers, I just know these work for us in our home. GIVE: It doesn't have to me money or material things. Give your time and share your talents. WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK: We all have tasks that need to be done on a regular basis, so no point complaining about them.