Great Results at IPS #93!

2021-05-20T17:42:29-04:00December 28th, 2014|Tags: , , , |

Thanks to a grant from the Rotary Foundation of Indianapolis, students and staff at Indianapolis Public Schools #93, and our fantastic Youth Development program team, we were able to achieve the following fantastic results during this year's Peace School program... 278 students were served during the fall/winter program at George H. Fisher School #93 Evaluation results (Through teacher and student observations) 80% of students served are able to deal with conflict peacefully - even when someone has made them mad and 91% of students reported they learned new skills that have helped them to be more peaceful. 91% of students reported they learned new skills that have made them more empathetic. 95% of students are able to articulate both a sense of purpose about their future and tangible ways that they can get themselves to their goals. The principal told us that last year there were fights “daily” and that “this year there have only been 2.”   What have you learned from PLC that is important to your life? (Quotes from students) “The peace group taught me that I’m very smart and that I will succeed in my life. I love you people.” “I learned to stop bullying” (spelled “I lerd to sopt bolen”) “I choose to be calm and peaceful so I can be a better person.” “I learned to breathe when I’m mad.” “I learned to not fight back and handle it in a better way.” “Don’t