Focus 2020 Community Action Grant Award Ceremony

2021-05-20T17:43:09-04:00September 11th, 2013|Tags: |

On Thursday, September 5, 12 greater Indianapolis residents were recognized and awarded a combined total of $25,000 in Focus 2020 Community Action Grants by Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, Peace Learning Center, and members of the Focus 2020 Leadership Council during a ceremony at the Sagamore Institute. The grants were awarded to support new projects designed to further the goals of the Focus 2020 initiative by creating more communication between groups in our community, developing an awareness and appreciation of Indianapolis’ diversity, and helping to achieve a synergy of strengths. “These FOCUS 2020 participants are taking the message of embracing diversity to all corners of our community, to immigrants and veterans, to the hungry, the scared, and the lonely, to the families of the disadvantaged,” said John McShane, Peace Learning Center’s director of community programs, “These individuals are demonstrating that, with just a little help, they have it within themselves to help build a more welcoming and inclusive community.” All of the applicants and awardees demonstrated significant commitment to these goals by attending more than 16 hours of training in diversity appreciation, inclusivity techniques, and communication skills. The grants were made possible by the Efroymson Family Fund, a CICF affiliate.