The Mindful Path – Healing Our Wounds

2021-05-20T17:42:04-04:00October 27th, 2015|Tags: , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In this post, I want to share a wonderful article from Mindful magazine. It’s about one of the most intense healing opportunities there is – to help war veterans use mindfulness to return to life after their military service. The article is called “Healing Waters,” and it brought tears to my eyes. You can find it here: Healing Waters Article The article presents what a group of veterans experience on a whitewater rafting trip offered by the program “Honoring the Path of the Warrior.” Here’s a short video from one of the founders explaining why she got involved in this work: Warrior Video After returning from the sorrows of war, veterans can be broken in many ways……physically, emotionally, spiritually. The whitewater experience is “group work toward recovery with a daily routine that includes training in mindful breathing and instructions on nurturing compassion for themselves and each other. The vets, in turn, help each other as they dare to be increasingly honest about their struggles and triumphs.” I am moved by how this example of mindfulness for healing speaks to the power of the human spirit and to our need to receive and give compassion. For more information about “Honoring the Path of the Warrior,” see here: About the Organization I look forward to being back with you again in my next post.