Volunteer of the Month – Indy 76!

2021-05-20T17:42:47-04:00July 31st, 2014|Tags: , , |

Peace Learning Center would like to recognize Indy 76 as volunteer group of the  month!  Indy 76 is a local leadership team that took on PLC as a service project and resourced materials and volunteers to join them for two weekends of beautifying and landscaping PLC. Jay Horan, our volunteer and intern coordinator, had the opportunity to work closely with the group and said, "I was overwhelmed by the amount of time, hard work  and passion that went into completing this project.  The volunteers that stopped by to help, some part of past leadership teams and others part of the larger community, were so incredibly kind and excited to help.  Not only did they give so much to the PLC those weekends, but some of them have made it their personal mission to stay involved and continue to serve.   The building has never looked better! " Thank you Indy 76 for everything you have done for our organization.  We are very grateful to have you on our team!