Motivational Monday

2021-05-20T17:41:55-04:00July 18th, 2016|Tags: |

Many times, people get too caught up in trying to save everyone by donating to as many organizations as possible or volunteering every chance they get.  This is admirable, no doubt, but people often become discouraged by the lack of results.  On larger scales, like world hunger, it's improbable to see an immediate change. It's easy to forget it's not about how big the impact you make is, but it's about the people you impact.  It's not a matter of quantity.  Look at the small circle of people  you interact with.  Maybe they are not in a severe conditions, but you still inspire those around you.  Whether you know it or not, you are probably looked up to.  Changing the world can be as simple as leading by example for the person standing beside you.  Changing the world can be as simple as going out of your way to hold the door for the person in front of you.  Changing the world can be as simple as feeding good energy into a conversation currently controlled by anger. Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."  He wanted peaceful protests, not violence; he exemplified that to the very end. When we lead by example, we end up putting a little good back into the world at the same time.  In my own heart, I want to help people, I want people to know they are loved, I want