Meet the Intern: Sam Jo

2021-05-20T17:41:34-04:00July 5th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

Hello everybody! I am Samantha Clark and am one of the interns at Peace Learning Center this summer. I am currently a sophomore at Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis studying social work and would like to continue on to get my master’s in the same field. My goal is to become a school counselor. I have always loved working with youth and learning more ways to help teach, guide, and support them as they grow. Children are our future and I want to do my part to help it be a bright one! I actually started my internship in late April because I also work as a nanny in the summer and I wanted to get as much experience as possible while I could. I am very grateful to Peace Learning Center for allowing me to work with all the amazing people there, and to all the wonderful children I have met along the way. I have never worked so closely with a nonprofit organization before and it is honestly eye-opening and amazing to see what it takes to make this organization work. I have even thought about minoring in philanthropy or nonprofit as a result of the experience I’ve had there. My experience here at PLC has been more than amazing so far. It has been awesome working with and learning from the people at Peace Learning Center. Popular Education is a big thing we focus on