Motivational Monday

2017-05-25T15:58:55-04:00September 12th, 2016|Tags: |

Think of the last time you communicated with someone.  What do you think of? A conversation with words, a phone call, or text? Communicating can be anything from a greeting to a wave, to simply listening. The tone of your voice can say more than your words.  When solving a conflict, it's important to keep your tone and your words kind.  Conflicts can easily be frustrating, but the way one goes about it can determine the outcome.  When discussing a problem, focus on the end goal.  What can be done to get there?  It is not about blaming one party or the other.  It is about coming to a resolution. Listening is such a vital part of communication.  It's often forgotten about amidst the words in conversation.  When you listen, you are receiving information.  When you listen, it gives you time to process what is being said.  When you listen, you take the time to decide the best way to respond.  It is not just about who can talk the longest or who has the most to say, but it's about being active on either side of the conversation. Sometimes people don't need a response from the listener at all.  Sometimes we just need someone to listen, and sometimes we just need to talk.  One way or another, it's important to be present when in conversation.