Lego Listening

2021-05-20T17:41:53-04:00August 10th, 2016|Tags: , |

Leah: My role in Lego Listening was the listener. Sitting back to back with my partner, I had to listen to her describe what her lego creation looked like. No questions were to be asked by me, so I was completely in the dark. I could only rely on her descriptions to lead the way. In my mind, putting the legos together didn't seem like it would be a hard task, but it proved a lot more difficult than I expected. I kept thinking in my head, "This can't be right; I know it doesn't look like this". By the time the facilitator took the legos from my hands to show my partner, I was so confused by what it was supposed to look like. My partner was allowed to look at the legos to see where I was wrong, and we started over from the beginning. The second time around I was able to ask questions to get clarification. I asked detailed questions about each individual lego I was adding to my lego set. At first, I was still confused from the first round, but being able to ask questions made it so much easier.  When I was able to get clarification from my partner through our communicate together, our lego structures looked more similar than the previous try. I noticed I was trying to guess where the pieces went before she was done describing it in the first round, which could've