The Mindful Path – Stop, Breathe & Think

2021-05-20T17:42:47-04:00August 5th, 2014|Tags: , , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson!  This week, let’s explore an app created for the iPhone and iPad that’s so wonderful, I hope that it will also be offered on other mobile devices. The app is called “Stop, Breathe & Think,” a free offering from Tools for Peace, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening and supporting emotional and social intelligence as well as academic and professional success.   See more about Tools for Peace at their web site here:  This link takes you to some helpful resources posted, and also provides you with the details needed to get to the main web site.  On Twitter, see @ToolsforPeace. Here’s a short video about the origin of the “Stop, Breathe & Think” app: I’m pleased to find this tool, which although originally designed for teens, is also very helpful for adults.  After opening the app, there are different paths to take, depending on your mood and needs.  You can identify what you’re feeling, and then let the app suggest some different meditation options to use. For example, after selecting the emotions of “concerned,” “open-hearted”, and “hopeful,” the app suggested that I might try meditations on Great Compassion, Gratitude, or Body Scan.  After doing the Gratitude meditation, I was awarded with a potted plant “sticker” that begins tracking my progress in the app.  I felt more calm and grounded, which was also good. Other paths I could choose include “Learn How to