The Mindful Path – What are You Grateful For?

2021-05-20T17:42:35-04:00November 11th, 2014|Tags: , , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In my post last week, I provided a link to a wonderful compassion meditation. If you’re interested in trying the meditation, you can find out how in the post here: I have found that this meditation helps me feel a deep sense of gratitude. There are so many good things in this delightfully imperfect life; silently extending kindness to myself and others through meditation reminds me of small, joyful moments that I cherish. With this being November and Thanksgiving coming up quickly, I think even more of gratitude. In this holiday season, sharing good food and conversation with family and friends is a perfect time for mindfulness. In the past, my holiday interactions were not always without friction. Today I have a different experience because I have changed. I’m much more open to seeing my world through a more broad perspective, and that has made a very positive difference. As an enthusiastic, beginning photographer who still has much to learn, I think sometimes of scenes in life as opportunities to frame up a shot of what I’m experiencing. I can choose where to place my focus. I found an interesting web site from mindful photographer Maurice Spees, where he offers workshops that provide the opportunity to “experience how refreshing your eyes, unattached from mental cluttering, can enhance your entire life.” His site is here: It would be amazing to attend one of