The Mindful Path – Meditation and Yoga

2021-05-20T17:42:26-04:00February 17th, 2015|Tags: , , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! Previously in this blog, although we’ve explored different examples of mindfulness meditation and also touched on yoga, we haven’t put them together to create the wonderful experience of them combined. Recently, I came across the excellent book, “Moving into Meditation: A 12-Week Mindfulness Program for Yoga Practitioners” by Anne Cushman. Her website at lists some benefits of combining mindfulness and yoga in the program: • Move into intimate connection with your body, heart, mind, and life. • Practice yoga as meditation in motion. • Cultivate a daily home practice of seated meditation that’s grounded in your body. • Nourish inner peace and stability through specific breathing practices that work directly with your nervous system to calm you when you’re anxious and energize you when you’re down. • Connect with your intuitive wisdom and creativity through an inner-body approach to yoga and meditation that can help you whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner. Also on the web site, you can sign up to gain access to three free video practices that will help you deepen your understanding of the teachings in the book. A full video program is available for purchase that includes 12 hour-long, downloadable guided sessions of mindful yoga and meditation—one for each chapter of the book. If you want to experience practicing mindfulness and yoga, I hope you will take advantage of the videos at Anne Cushman’s site. If