The Mindful Path – Get Happy!

2021-05-20T17:42:38-04:00October 14th, 2014|Tags: , |

This week on our continuing exploration of mindfulness, I want to introduce Happify, a site that applies the science of positive psychology to learn how to become more happy. Here is where you can find out about how Happify was started: The founders used expertise in gaming and technology to “bring the science to life in a fun, engaging way that could help people everywhere live more fully.” Happify’s mission is to “provide fun, individualized, and science-based pathways to pursue happiness.” On the site, this link to the blog provides short video clips that introduce Happify through television shows, and other information. I signed up for the free version of Happify and have started to explore the site. There is also a paid version (pricing depends on the length of time for which you pay for the service) that unlocks all the content, which includes games, articles, activities, community, and more. Completing a questionnaire helps to determine your current level of happiness, and how this changes as you experience more of the Happify content and topics. If bringing more happiness into your life sounds good, you might want to check out Happify. Enjoy your exploration! If you have any comments, you can leave them here, or send an email message to me directly at I look forward to sharing more mindfulness ideas and resources with you in my next post. I hope you enjoy a mindful week!