2015 Perspectives on Peace Panel

2021-05-20T17:42:28-04:00January 15th, 2015|Tags: , , , |

This year's panel of diverse Indianapolis leaders will discuss “Creating a Culture of Peace: Celebrating All Things Indy” from 1-2:30 pm in the Auditorium during the 2015 MLK Community Festival on Saturday, January 17 at Christian Theological Seminary. Panelists: Keishana White, JoAnne Lingle, Charlie Wiles, and George Okantey Panel Moderator: Peace Learning Center's Director of Community Programs John McShane Keishana White Keishana White lives and works for truth in Indianapolis. She is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and lover of peace. Keishana can be found stirring the pot and asking the hard questions where ever she goes.​ JoAnne Lingle JoAnne Lingle is a mother, grandmother, Mennonite, full time activist. Since 1997 she has worked with Christian Peacemaker Teams, primarily in the West Bank city of Hebron, also has been with CPT in Kurdistan; Vieques P.R.; First Nation people in Grassy Narrows ON;  La Framboise Island SD with Lakota people; and Douglas AZ Borderlands Project. Other national organizations JoAnne has worked with include:  CodePink-Women for Peace; Witness Against Torture; Nat'l Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance; Pax Christi. The local organizations include: Christians for Peace and Justice in the MiddleEast; Pax Christi; Indiana anti-Drone Project. Charlie Wiles Charlie Wiles holds a degree in Political Science from Indiana University and spent several years working for the Indiana State Legislature. He operated a general contracting business renovating older homes from 1981-86, served as a combat medic in the US Army Reserves from 1991-1999, and was