A Journey of Peace

2021-05-20T17:43:05-04:00November 25th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

On Tuesday November 19, 2013 a group of students and leaders began a journey that will forever change their lives. These individuals are part of the Peace Learning Center. This is an organization in Indianapolis that “educates, inspires and empowers people to live peacefully.” In 1997 the center was started by a couple of residents who were concerned about neighborhood and family violence. These residents took initiative and the results of their vision have begun a movement of peace that is far-reaching. Now the Peace Learning Center serves schools, community nonprofits, businesses and juvenile correction facilities.  This organization has reached over 165,000 people locally and internationally to help promote peace-building and conflict resolution.  Building a community of peace begins here in Indianapolis, but it most certainly does not end here. This is why this group of peace-makers is traveling to Africa to bring students from the Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School, an administrator, social worker, two Saving Orphans Through Healthcare Outreach representatives (host organization for the trip), two RN’s, a photographer and Jay Horan, Volunteer Coordinator at the Peace Learning Center. I had the privilege of interviewing Jay Horan personally before the group left for their journey. When asked what the group will be doing while in Swazi, Africa, she replied: “We will be leading health education initiatives at four Swazi High School Convocations. In addition, we will be participating in extensive dialogue with the Swazi Youth Leadership groups,